Tuesday, July 21, 2015

List of achievements for an open source project

- [ ] first commit
- [ ] making the code public
- [ ] first checkout by someone else
- [ ] first user
- [ ] first bug report
- [ ] first mention in a blog post by someone you don't know
- [ ] first submitted patch
- [ ] approval to Debian/Fedora
- [ ] a magazine article mentioning your project
- [ ] a magazine article about your project
- [ ] first conference presentation
- [ ] a project subreddit is created
- [ ] a conference presentation about your project held by someone you don't know
- [ ] a bug report/patch from Linus Torvalds/someone else well known
- [ ] RMS claims your project is anti-freedom
- [ ] the project gets forked
- [ ] an O'Reilly animal book gets published
- [ ] a conference wholly about your project
- [ ] someone reimplements your project in a new language in 1/10th of the time it took to write the original one

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